Episode 2: Meet Lauralee Benjamin - YANA Artists in the cannabis industry
Welcome Lauralee Benjamin, a spotlight artist at YANA Creativity and Wellness Center. Lauralee is a multimedia visual artist from Queens, NY who creates femme erotic art, connecting themes of sex, love, lust, pain, revenge and control. She uses images appropriated from pornography to hijack the patriarchal sentiments and flip them into female, queer, and trans empowering narratives.
At YANA, we work with creative talent who help us raise awareness for the cannabis culture and its role in mental health and creativity. We also have a large LGBTQ+ community at YANA, which Lauralee connects with in all of her work. Lauralee has created 3 exclusive lighter art collections with YANA and we have released a new one for pride month! Her non-conformist style makes you think twice about your own idea of sexuality.