Cathy Chakra
Cathy Chakra (She/Her/Hers)
is a Yoga, Meditation, and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. Cathy partners with clients seeking to enhance their well-being through self-directed, self–discovery, and desired transformation aligned with their goals and values. She fosters an unconditional positive regard for their health and well being and belief in their capacity to change honoring the fact that each client is an expert on their own life, while ensuring that all interactions are respectful and non-judgmental.
Cathy has taught yoga and meditation for over 20 years in the DMV area. Cathy received her Health Coach Certification from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. (See certificate below) She is a former Health & Fitness Club Director for LA Fitness in Rockville, MD and Rio Sport and Health Club in Gaithersburg, MD.
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Cathy Chakra’s Wellness Service Descriptions
Meditation, Yoga, and Mindfulness
Exploration and practices include mindfulness and yoga. Mindfulness is taught from a variety of platforms and methodologies such as guided meditation in multi-settings from face-to-face, in person, or distant learning via Zoom or telephone.
Transcendetal Meditation is offered to each individual and is offered through the Transcendental Meditation Centers around country. They are administered in person, in groups, via face-to face locally or via Zoom.
One-On-One Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching
I studied the ins and outs of holistic health, including foundational nutrition principles, nutrition science, and over 100 dietary theories, as well as innovative coaching methods, personal development, goal-setting and much more.
I discovered that we are all multidimensional and unique. There isn’t one diet, one lifestyle change, or one path to wellness. With this in mind, I set out on a path of self-discovery to explore how my own habits and decisions have shaped me – and how I can use my personal experience, growth, and self-healing to inspire others – like you – to set out on your own journey towards positive transformation. As your partner in health, I’ll share my knowledge to co-create personalized actions based on your goals, preferences, resources, and unique body to move you toward your ideal vision of health.
Life Coaching Upfront and Personal
My philosophy and guidance as I work with each individual is a personalized approach to health and tuning in to what the individual’s need. With this in mind, we can find what works best and what is truly required to live a fulfilled life. I believe that there is no single path to health and happiness as we all have different bodies, minds, desires, sensibilities, experiences, and cultural background, which require an individual approach. The role of the coach is to facilitate and hold space for each clients’ transformation to their desired health and wellness lifestyle. The Client and The Coach are co-partners in this life's journey, chosen and agreed upon to create a life that is the best and highest good for all concerns.
Explore and work with each individual’s rich intuitive nature.
Each bio-individual and multidimentional perspective is unique.
Integrative coaching methods is the coaching compass and and the program's primary mandate.
The person/clients’ full range of needs including their primary and secondary food are all part of the method used in the program.
It is the goal of the program that the individual’s tap into their inner guidance and with that find their way into the transformation of a sustainable lifestyle towards their own unique bio-individuality and diverse multi-dimensionality and the path to health and happiness is achievable.
This is achievable through a series of coaching sessions and that create space for self-discovery and exploration to build a lifestyle that is sustainable and a workable framework.
The program believes that food is medicine and at the very basis of a healthy mind, body, and gut is within the very abundant mitochondria in our cells and to restore them into the fully functioning intelligent systems we all have.
Exploration and practices include mindfulness and adopting a nutrition program under the care of their physician that is in alignment with the very core of our human biology.
10-Day Detox Program
According to Dr. Mark Hyman, “The health of the 100 trillion bugs in your gut is one of the biggest things that impacts your health.” When the healthy gut bacteria is out of balance with the bad gut bacteria, we are set up for trouble.
In fact, Dr. Hyman explains that, many “diseases are affected by the health of your gut flora – including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disease, allergic diseases like asthma and eczema and even depression, ADD and autism!”
An introduction to a 10-Day Detox Program for the Gut.
This program is available if you are suffering from leaky gut which develops when your gut lining breaks down. This can be caused by using antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids, or excessive alcohol use. But it can also be affected by stress, a diet of processed foods, or even food sensitivities - foods that are generally considered "healthy," but simply aren't working for your body.
It can be implemented to alleviate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Symptoms include cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea or constipation, or both. If the client is already under the supervision of a physician ‘s care with regard to an already existing auto immune disease such as celiac disease, the implementation of the detox program can be in conjunction with the physician’s care.